What is Sustainable Copywriting?

Sustainability is a broad term that describes managing resources without depleting them for future generations.

It is often thought of as a long term goal - like building a brand.

To support brand strategy and business growth in today’s market, a focus on sustainable copywriting is key.

What is Sustainable Copywriting?

In simple terms, it refers to the practice of creating written content that promotes and aligns with sustainable principles and practices.

Traditionally, the objective of copywriting has been to persuade customers to purchase your products or services. Good copywriters understand your customers quickly, work to deadlines and deliver work to influence behaviour.

Sustainable copywriting still features these elements, but takes matters a step further. Through an efficient and insightful briefing process, it ethically builds an emotional connection to your brand. It does this without over (or under) stating your sustainability credentials, honouring your unique brand voice.

Further, the three pillars of sustainability - environmental, social, and economic are all incorporated into the messaging, tone, and broader communication strategy. Importantly, it should align to the purpose, values and mission of the business - it’s not just about climate change or other environmental considerations.

Here are some key aspects of sustainable copywriting that differentiates it from the traditional:

  1. Ethical Messaging

    It prioritises transparency and honesty in messaging which reduces the risk of greenwashing.

    Rather than exaggerated claims, sustainable copywriting focuses on providing accurate information and setting realistic expectations. It should align to your purpose and your sustainability statement.

  2. Positive Impact

    A key objective of this writing is to use persuasion (a traditional copywriting technique) to inspire positive change and to educate.

    This can be done by emphasising the benefits of sustainable practices, highlighting success stories, tracking progress on goals - or focus on the importance of specific issues relevant to an industry.

  3. Brand Values Alignment

    It also ensures the language and tone of the content aligns with a brand's voice, sustainability values and statement.

    This may be done by reflecting the brand's commitment to environmental and social responsibility, reinforced through engaging copy.

  4. Call-to-Action

    Like traditional word crafting, it often includes a call-to-action that encourages readers to think and act regarding specific issues, in addition to purchasing. This could involve energy conservation, responsible consumption, or even supporting other initiatives such as diversity and inclusion.

  5. Adaptability

    Importantly, it acknowledges the evolving nature of sustainability and stays updated on current best practices, industry standards and the regulatory environment.

    It embraces ongoing learning and adjustment to align with the latest environmental and social advancements.

By adopting sustainable copywriting practices, brands and organisations can ethically and effectively communicate their commitment to sustainability.

In today’s market, the benefits are endless - some of which include driving sales, creating an emotional connection to a brand, as well as contributing to positive and transformative change.